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And who is not in some way a genius and in some way broken?
Coaching is a way to turn cracks into strengths, strengths into humility, and humility into genius.
Improve Performance, Reduce Headaches, Make the Workworld Better
Whether seasoned executive or first-time manager, you can gain perspective and implement change more quickly and easily with an experienced and skilled coach.
FORMAT ONE provides a seasoned sounding board to assist you with decision making.
FORMAT TWO provides transformational upskilling. In this coaching, which is more intensive and sets higher expectations on the executive or manager, we pursue specific change-goals and intentionally expand your ability to handle situations that you find challenging.
FORMAT THREE is for executives who want to include God in their work. As a framework, we use the ten modes of operation laid out in Eliyahu's book Working With God: The Ten Modes of Elevated Leadership. The coaching is open to executives and managers anywhere on the comfort-with-God spectrum, whether exploring the idea of merging faith and work or whether working with God in close relationship for decades.
In-person, phone or Zoom/Teams/GoogleMeet; monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly, depending on intensity of the desired change. Typically a six-month engagement, it can also be 12-month, ongoing, or occasional.
Dr. Lotzar's years of experience include therapeutic counseling and various forms of coaching in multiple workplace sectors. Coaching might utilize leader, manager, or workplace style assessments (e.g., Adizes' PAEI, Wiley DiSC Management or Work of Leaders), customized 360s, Arbinger's Leadership material, or any of more than 25 leadership tools. These tools help you reframe situations, increase self-awareness, solve problems, manage risk, understand yourself better, think strategically, change relationship dynamics, access opportunity, and elevate your leadership.